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Tropical Storm and Hurricane Names

2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina: The image above shows Hurricane Katrina approaching the Gulf Coast. NOAA Image.


How Big of a Storm Gets a Name?

The World Meteorological Organization is in charge of assigning names to tropical storms that originate in the Atlantic Ocean and reach a sustained wind speed of 39 miles per hour. Any storm that reaches a sustained wind speed of 74 miles per hour is called a "hurricane."

When a storm becomes a hurricane, it retains the name that it was given as a tropical storm. The World Meteorological Organization has six lists of storm names which are recycled every six years. The name lists for 2017 through 2028 are shown in the tables on this page.

Names used for Atlantic Tropical Storms
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Arlene Alberto Andrea Arthur Ana Alex
Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bill Bonnie
Cindy Chris Chantal Cristobal Claudette Colin
Don Debby Dexter Dolly Danny Danielle
Emily Ernesto Erin Edouard Elsa Earl
Franklin Francine Fernand Fay Fred Farrah
Gert Gordon Gabrielle Gonzalo Grace Gaston
Harold Helene Humberto Hanna Henri Hermine
Idalia Isaac Imelda Isaias Imani Idris
Jose Joyce Jerry Josephine Julian Julia
Katia Kirk Karen Kyle Kate Karl
Lee Leslie Lorenzo Leah Larry Lisa
Margot Milton Melissa Marco Mindy Martin
Nigel Nadine Nestor Nana Nicholas Nicole
Ophelia Oscar Olga Omar Odette Owen
Philippe Patty Pablo Paulette Peter Paula
Rina Rafael Rebekah Rene Rose Richard
Sean Sara Sebastien Sally Sam Shary
Tammy Tony Tanya Teddy Teresa Tobias
Vince Valerie Van Vicky Victor Virginie
Whitney William Wendy Wilfred Wanda Walter


Tropical Storms are Named Alphabetically

The first tropical storm that attains a sustained wind speed of at least 39 miles per hour in a calendar year is given the name that begins with an "A" from that year's list. The second storm is given the name that begins with a "B." Naming progresses through the year with names assigned in alphabetical order.

If there are more than 21 named storms in a given year, there is a supplemental list of 21 names that are used. In the past, the Greek alphabet was used for subsequent storms, but this proved to be confusing because several of the names sound very similar. This system was retired in 2021 and replaced with the list of supplemental names shown near the bottom of this page.

Names used for Atlantic Tropical Storms in the Past
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Arlene Alberto Andrea Arthur Ana Alex
Bret Beryl Barry Bertha Bill Bonnie
Cindy Chris Chantal Cristobal Claudette Colin
Don Debby Dorian Dolly Danny Danielle
Emily Ernesto Erin Edouard Elsa Earl
Franklin Florence Fernand Fay Fred Fiona
Gert Gordon Gabrielle Gonzalo Grace Gaston
Harvey Helene Humberto Hanna Henri Hermine
Irma Isaac Imelda Isaias Ida Ian
Jose Joyce Jerry Josephine Julian Julia
Katia Kirk Karen Kyle Kate Karl
Lee Leslie Lorenzo Laura Larry Lisa
Maria Michael Melissa Marco Mindy Martin
Nate Nadine Nestor Nana Nicholas Nicole
Ophelia Oscar Olga Omar Odette Owen
Philippe Patty Pablo Paulette Peter Paula
Rina Rafael Rebekah Rene Rose Richard
Sean Sara Sebastien Sally Sam Shary
Tammy Tony Tanya Teddy Teresa Tobias
Vince Valerie Van Vicky Victor Virginie
Whitney William Wendy Wilfred Wanda Walter

Supplemental Atlantic Tropical Storm Names
Storm # Name Storm # Name Storm # Name
22 Adria 29 Heath 36 Orlanda
23 Braylen 30 Isla 37 Pax
24 Caridad 31 Jacobus 38 Ronin
25 Deshawn 32 Kenzie 39 Sophie
26 Emery 33 Lucio 40 Tayshaun
27 Foster 34 Makayla 41 Viviana
28 Gemma 35 Nolan 42 Will

Tropical Storm Name Lists are Recycled

In the tables on this page, you can see that the name list from 2019 is nearly identical to the list that will be used in 2025. This shows how the name lists are recycled every six years.

However, if you compare the names in the lists, you will see that Dorian will not be reused in 2025. That hurricane was so deadly and damaging that the World Meteorological Organization decided that reuse of its name would be insensitive. That name was permanently retired from use.

Tropical storms in other basins such as the eastern and western Pacific Ocean are also given names. Name lists for these tropical storms have been compiled by the National Hurricane Center and can be viewed on their website.

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