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Rocks: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary

Rocks hold the history of the earth and the materials that will be used to build its future.

Igneous Rocks: Photos, descriptions and facts about intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.

Metamorphic Rocks: Photos, descriptions and facts about foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks.

Sedimentary Rocks: Photos and facts about clastic, chemical and organic sedimentary rocks.

Geodes look like ordinary rocks on the outside but can be spectacular inside!
The Brewery Rock ?
The Rock Used to Make Beer - Geologists are beer experts and should know about this rock.
Tumbled Stones
Tumbled Stones
Tumbled Stones are rocks that have been rounded, smoothed and polished in a rock tumbler.
Flint, Chert, Jasper
Flint, Chert, Jasper
Flint, Chert, and Jasper are types of chalcedony and names for microcrystalline quartz.
Fossils are remains, traces or imprints of ancient life. They reveal Earth's biological history.
Difficult Rocks
Difficult rocks to identify
Difficult Rocks Elementary students find lots of rocks that you will not be able to identify.
Fluorescent Minerals
Fluorescent Minerals
Fluorescent Minerals and rocks glow with spectacular colors under ultraviolet light.
Sliding Rocks

Sliding Rocks on Racetrack Playa How they slide across a dry lake bed is a mystery.
Rock and Mineral Kits
Rock and Mineral Kits
Rock, Mineral and Fossil Collections. Specimens for personal or classroom use.
Diabase - the rock selected for Stonehenge and transported 240 miles in 2100 BC.
Lapis Lazuli
lapis lazuli
Lapis Lazuli - a metamorphic rock and the most popular blue opaque gemstone in history.
Quartzite a nonfoliated metamorphic rock composed almost entirely of quartz.
Trap Rock
trap rock
Trap Rock is a name applied to any dark-colored igneous rock used to produce crushed stone.
Charoitite - a purple metamorphic rock dominated by the mineral charoite. It is used as a gem.
Rock Salt
Rock Salt
Rock Salt is a sedimentary rock composed of the mineral halite. It has many uses!
Puddingstone - a conglomerate with clasts that contrast in color with the matrix. Alamy Images.
Sand Grains
Sand grains
A Grain of Sand Gallery of sand grains through a microscope by Dr. Gary Greenberg.
Shale The rock that is quickly transforming the energy industry.
Gifts That Rock
Gifts That Rock
Gifts That Rock - What are the most popular gift items in the Geology.com store?
Hardness Picks
Hardness Picks
Hardness Picks - Test for hardness with precise and easy-to-use hardness picks.
Coquina - A porous limestone composed almost entirely of fossil debris.
Geology Dictionary
Geology Dictionary
Geology Dictionary - contains thousands of geological terms with their definitions.
Don*t Go To Jail
Don't Go To Jail
Rock Collectors must know the rules before removing rocks from public and private property.
Soapstone is a talc-rich rock with properties that make it suitable for a variety of projects.
Siltstone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of silt-sized particles.
Rock Tumbling
rock tumblers
Rock Tumblers - All about rock tumblers and rock tumbling. Read before you buy a tumbler.
Sand Photo Collection
Sand from Around the World . A photo gallery showing the diversity of the material we call "sand".
Mariposite - a name used for green chromium-rich micas and certain rocks colored by them.
Uses of Granite
Uses of granite
Uses of Granite The rock used everywhere from the kitchen to the facing stone of skyscrapers.
Rock Art
Rock art - petroglyphs
Rock Art People have been producing rock art for thousands of years. A world-wide collection.
Igneous and Volcanic
igneous and volcanic features
Igneous and Volcanic Features an introduction to how these rocks occur below and above ground.
Rock-Forming Minerals
Rock-Forming Minerals
Rock-Forming Minerals - most of Earth*s crust is made up of a small number of minerals.
Antarctic Meteorites
hunting meteorites in Antarctica
The Richest Meteorite Field - More meteorites found here than anywhere else on Earth.
Crushed Stone
crushed stone
The Unsung Mineral Hero - and the commodity upon which almost everything is built.
Dacite - a light-colored extrusive igneous rock intermediate between rhyolite and andesite.
Chalk is a variety of limestone formed from fine-grained marine sediment known as ooze.
Gold Panning Kits
Gold Pans
Gold Pans and Panning Kits - classifiers, snuffer bottles. Learn how to pan for gold!
Limestone A versatile rock used in cement, food, paint, paper, drugs, concrete & more!
What Are Pictographs? They are drawings or paintings on rocks made by people.
Oil Sands
Oil Sands
Oil Sands contain oil in the form of bitumen - a major oil resource that can be difficult to produce.
Coal Close Up
Coal Through a Microscope
Coal Through a Microscope Coal is more than a black rock. It\'s THE most interesting rock.
Unakite is a metamorphosed granite composed of green epidote and pink orthoclase.
Tucson Show
Mineral Show Photos
Mineral Show Photos From the 2010 Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show.
Rocks on Mars
Rocks on Mars
Rocks on Mars Many of the rocks found on Mars are not very different from Earth rocks.
Yosemite rockfall
Spectacular Yosemite Rockfall A photo sequence of rockfall and debris avalanche by Herb Dunn.
Geology Tools
Geology Tools
Geology Tools - Rock hammers, field bags, hand lenses, maps, hardness picks, gold pans.
Curling Stones
curling stone
Curling Stones are made from a special type of granite, found at just a few locations worldwide.
Forensic Geology
Forensic Geology
Forensic Geology My students come to class thinking that dirt is dirt and sand is sand...
Azurite Granite ?
Azurite Granite?
Azurite Granite? Found at the base of K2, the second highest mountain in the world.
Hand Lens
Hand Lens
Hand Lens A 10-power folding magnifier in a metal case. A frequently used lab and field tool.
Caliche is a lithified layer in soil or sediment. It is considered to be a sedimentary rock.