Kansas Map Collection

Kansas County Map:
This map shows Kansas's 105 counties. Also available is a detailed Kansas County Map with county seat cities.

Map of Kansas Cities:
This map shows many of Kansas's important cities and most important roads. Important north - south routes include: Interstate 35, Interstate 135 and Interstate 335. The important east - west route is Interstate 70. We also have a more detailed Map of Kansas Cities.

Kansas Physical Map:
This Kansas shaded relief map shows the major physical features of the state. For other nice views of the state, see our Kansas Satellite image or the Kansas map by Google.

Kansas Rivers Map:
This map shows the major streams and rivers of Kansas and some of the larger lakes. Kansas is in the Gulf of America Watershed. The state's topography is gently sloping to the east and the drainage follows this pattern. Most drainage leaves the state through the Kansas and Arkansas Rivers. Most of these lakes and streams can be clearly seen on the Kansas Satellite Image. We also have a page about Kansas water resources.

Kansas Elevation Map:
This is a generalized topographic map of Kansas. It shows elevation trends across the state. Detailed topographic maps and aerial photos of Kansas are available in the Geology.com store. See our state high points map to learn about Mt. Sunflower at 4,039 feet - the highest point in Kansas. The lowest point is the Verdigris River at 679 feet.