Agua Nueva Agate: A colorful fortification agate from Mexico.
Alexandrite: The color-change variety of chrysoberyl.
Amazonite: A bluish green member of the feldspar mineral group.
Amber: A fossilized tree resin, cut and polished as a gem.
Amethyst: The world's most popular purple gemstone.
Apatite: An oval cab of shimmering green apatite.
Charoite: A vibrant purple silicate mineral with bands and swirls.
Chrome Tremolite: A variety of tremolite from New York.
Chrysocolla and Malachite: Beautiful copper minerals.
Chrysocolla in Quartz: A copper mineral in quartz.
Chrysoprase: Chalcedony with a green color that is caused by traces of nickel.
Coyamito Agate: A colorful fortification agate from Mexico.
Crazy Lace Agate: A favorite lapidary material since the 1960s.
Eudialyte: A beautiful red cabochon of eudialyte.
Fluorite: This fluorite cab has bands of yellow, green, and purple.
Fossil Coral: A silicified marine organism.
Garnet: Nine gemmy round cabs of the mineral.
Idaho Opal: An opal triplet cabochon with an amazing pattern.
Jasper: This specimen is dotted with lots of little "eyes".
Kyanite: A blue or green silicate mineral.
Labradorite: A feldspar mineral with an electric-bright flash.
Leopard Skin: A spotted rock from Mexico.
Malachite: A copper carbonate mineral from Africa.
Mookaite: Silicified radiolarite from Australia.
Moonstone: A gemstone of the feldspar mineral family.
Morado Opal: A purple common opal from Mexico.
Rainbow Obsidian: A baroque cabochon with an iridescent sheen.
Owyhee Opal: A translucent blue opal from Oregon.
Peridot: A transparent teardrop-shaped cab of peridot.
Rutilated Quartz: Golden rutile needles in clear quartz.
Seraphinite: A variety of clinochlore.
Spessartite Garnet: A gemmy orange garnet.
Sugilite: A rare pink to purple gemstone and silicate mineral.
Sunstone: Oregon sunstone with abundant copper platelets.
Tourmaline: A colorful collection of tourmalines.
Turquoise: This turquoise cab has a lovely robin's-egg blue color.
Variscite: An aluminum phosphate mineral from Utah.
Vesuvianite: A mineral also known as "idocrase".
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