Roadside Geology of Alaska
by Cathy Connor
Roadside Geology of Alaska (Second Edition)
Preface |
ix |
Geologic History of Alaska |
1 |
Understanding the Earth |
1 |
Alaska's Modern Tectonic Environment |
4 |
Terranes of the North country |
9 |
Proterozoic Eon |
11 |
Paleozoic Era |
11 |
Supercontinent Pangea and the Permian Extinction |
14 |
Mesozoic Era |
15 |
Rotation of Arctic Alaska |
17 |
Mesozoic Basins and the Accretion of the Insular Superterrane |
18 |
Cretaceous Inland Sea and Arctic Dinosaurs |
19 |
Cenozoic Era |
21 |
Wandering Resurrection Ridge |
21 |
Dextral Strike-Slip Faults |
25 |
Pleistocene Ice Ages |
26 |
Bering Sea Shelf |
31 |
Holocene and Anthropocene |
34 |
Glacier Movement and Erosion |
35 |
Permafrost and the Warming Climate |
40 |
Natural Resources |
46 |
Alaska's Marine Transportation |
48 |
A Record of Human Culture |
50 |
Southeast Alaska and Coastal British Columbia |
51 |
Terranes of Southeast Alaska |
53 |
Alexander Terrane |
54 |
Taku Terrane |
58 |
Gravina Belt |
58 |
Coast Plutonic Complex and Coast Shear Zone |
59 |
Queen Charlotte - Fairweather Transform Fault |
60 |
Glaciation and Sea Level |
61 |
Guides to Southeast Alaska and Coastal British Columbia |
64 |
North Vancouver Island - Prince Rupert |
64 |
Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) |
67 |
Ketchikan Area |
70 |
Misty Fjords National Monument |
73 |
Prince of Wales Island |
77 |
Baranof Island, Kruzof Islands and Sitka |
80 |
Wrangell and Petersburg Areas |
84 |
Mt. Edziza Provincial Park |
88 |
Juneau and Haines Areas |
96 |
Haines Highway: Haines - Haines Junction |
109 |
Tatshenshini - Alsek Provincial Park |
113 |
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve |
116 |
South-Central Alaska and the Aleutions |
123 |
Yakutat Plate |
123 |
Aleutian Subduction Zone and Its Volcanoes |
124 |
The Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964 |
127 |
Terranes of South-Central Alaska |
131 |
Wrangellia Terrane |
131 |
Peninsular Terrane |
131 |
Chugach and Prince William Terranes |
133 |
Yakutat Terrane |
135 |
Glacial Lake Ahtna |
135 |
Guides to South-Central Alaska |
137 |
Seward highway: Anchorage - Seward |
137 |
Kenai Fjords National Park |
143 |
Sterling Highway: Tern Lake - Homer |
145 |
Glenn Highway: Anchorage - Glennallen - Tok |
150 |
Richardson Highway: Delta Junction - Valdez |
157 |
Edgerton Highway and McCarthy Road (Wrangell - St. Elias National Park and Preserve) |
170 |
Parks Highway: Wasilla - Fairbanks |
178 |
Denali National Park and Preserve |
193 |
Kodiak Island |
197 |
Katmai National Park and Preserve |
202 |
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve |
205 |
Interior Alaska and Adjacent Parts of the Yukon |
210 |
Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province |
213 |
Terranes in the Interior |
215 |
Cassiar Terrane |
215 |
Yukon-Tanana Terrane |
216 |
Stikine, Quesnel, and Cache Creek Terranes |
216 |
Seventymile (Slide Mountain) Terrane |
217 |
Guides to Interior Alaska and Adjacent Parts of the Yukon |
219 |
Taylor Highway: Tetlin Junction - Eagle |
219 |
Yukon - Charley Rivers National Preserve |
223 |
Fairbanks Area |
225 |
Klondike Highway: Skagway - Whitehorse - Dawson |
230 |
Alaska Highway: Whitehorse - Delta Junction |
244 |
Klluane National Park |
247 |
Arctic Alaska |
256 |
Formation of the Brooks Range |
256 |
Brooks Rande Glaciations |
260 |
Northern Alaska Coal |
260 |
Oil on the North Slope |
262 |
Avak Crater |
264 |
Guides to Arctic Alaska |
265 |
Dalton Highway: Livengood - Deadhorse (Prudhoe Bay) |
265 |
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve |
272 |
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge |
275 |
Glossary |
278 |
References |
286 |
Index |
294 |