All About Meteors, Fireballs and Meteorites |
What Is a Fireball? A fireball is an unusually large and bright meteor. To be considered a fireball, the meteor must be at least as bright as Venus. This exceptional brightness is usually a result of a large meteoroid - possibly a few meters in diameter upon entering the atmosphere. When fireballs occur over populated areas, they can generate a large amount of attention.
Universe Pictures

Pictures of the Universe Views of the most interesting objects in our universe by NASA.
Moon Structure

Moon's Internal Structure The Moon has a structure similar to earth and an iron-rich core.
Volcanoes in Space

Active Volcanoes in other parts of the solar system are different from those on Earth.
Diamonds In Space

Diamonds In Space Diamonds have been found in meteorites and other celestial bodies.
Who Owns the Moon?

Who Owns the Moon? Does the U.S. have any claim to the Moon, asteroids or planets?
Geology of Pluto

Geology of Pluto NASA finds craters, nitrogen ice flows, mountains, and possible dunes.
Lunar Rift System

Lunar Rift System? Gravity maps revise the geologic history of the near side of the moon.
Largest Impact Crater

The Vredefort Crater is the largest and 2nd oldest impact crater visible on Earth.
Asteroids and Earth

Earth-Crossing Asteroids Can we do anything about an asteroid that is might hit Earth?
Volcanoes on Venus

Volcanoes on Venus? The surface of Venus is covered by lava flows and shield volcanoes.
Vesta Meteorites

Vesta Meteorites About 5% of the meteorites found on Earth are from the asteroid Vesta.
Antarctic Meteorites

The Richest Meteorite Field - More meteorites found here than anywhere else on Earth.