Will You Sell My Book?
Authors, publishers, and booksellers frequently contact us about their books. They want to know if we will sell their book, promote their book, announce their book, review their book, or provide other services.
If you are an author, publisher, or bookseller, please read the information below. It provides our firm answers on the following questions:
Will You Sell My Book?
Geology.com sells a variety of books in the Geology.com Store. Our goal is to offer a range of books that can be successfully sold to visitors of our website who live in the United States. Through experience, we have found that books about advanced or very specific topics do not sell well to our visitors. This is because the overwhelming majority of our visitors are not geologists.
For that reason, we sell mostly introductory-level books that appeal to the general public rather than books about advanced topics that are written for the geology profession. The book selection in our store matches the focus of our website - which is the basics of rocks, gems, minerals, and fossils.
All of the books in our store are purchased from distributors rather than from individual authors and publishers. This type of buying allows us to purchase the books of many publishers and authors in two or three transactions per year. Ordering the same number of books from dozens of sellers would take a lot more time. Consolidating our purchases also saves on shipping. We are a tiny business with a tiny staff and we must be as efficient and cost-effective as we can.
So, for us to sell your book, it must first be available from a book distributor, and then it must be the type of book that sells well to our visitors. We consider the offerings of several book distributors each year and select books that we believe will be good sellers.
If you are an author looking for a place to sell your book, you might consider contacting Mountain Press, Gem Guides, or AdventureKEEN.
Will You Review My Book?
A lot of great Earth science books are written every year. We would love to be able to read many of them and write detailed reviews about them. Unfortunately, there are not enough hours in a day for us to operate the website and review even a fraction of the new books that are published. So, we regret that we are unable to offer a book review service. We also do not believe that we should review books for a fee, or post ready-to-publish reviews that are offered to us.
Book Announcements and Promotions
We are unable to provide book announcements and promotions for the same reasons that we are unable to offer book reviews. Our small staff is unable to fairly offer this service to the large number of new books that are published each year.
Find Other Topics on Geology.com:
 Rocks: Galleries of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock photos with descriptions. |
 Minerals: Information about ore minerals, gem materials and rock-forming minerals. |
 Volcanoes: Articles about volcanoes, volcanic hazards and eruptions past and present. |
 Gemstones: Colorful images and articles about diamonds and colored stones. |
 General Geology: Articles about geysers, maars, deltas, rifts, salt domes, water, and much more! |
 Geology Store: Hammers, field bags, hand lenses, maps, books, hardness picks, gold pans. |
 Diamonds: Learn about the properties of diamond, its many uses, and diamond discoveries.