Uses of Gold
Gold has many properties that make it extremely well-suited for a diversity of industrial uses.
Chromium The metal that gives the yellow color to school buses and strength to stainless steel.
Fool*s Gold
Fool*s Gold is a name used for pyrite when its brassy color fools people looking for gold.
Rare Earth Elements
REEs Special metals used in cell phones, DVDs, batteries, magnets & many other products.
Copper is a metal used in coins, electronics, pipes, wiring, motors, alloys and many other products.
Uses of Nickel
Nickel is a metal used to make stainless steel and alloys that are hard and heat resistant.
Geology of Rare Earths
Geology of Rare Earths They are not rare - just rarely found in minable concentrations.
Beryllium is a very light and very stiff metal with a variety of uses critical to national security.
Uses of Silver
Uses of Silver - Most people think of jewelry and coins, but silver is an industrial metal.
Colored Glass
Colored Glass Facts A number of metals are used to produce the beautiful colors in glass.