Map of the Oceans

Map of the Oceans - showing the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern Oceans.
Hawaiian Hot Spot

How did the Hawaiian Islands Form? The power of a moving plate over a stationary hot spot.
Phytoplankton Blooms

Phytoplankton Blooms are caused by an explosive growth rate of plankton in surface waters.
Arctic Ocean Seafloor

Arctic Ocean Seafloor Map The ridges, basins, shelves and rifts defining the Arctic seafloor.
Who Owns The Arctic?

Who Owns The Arctic? USGS estimates that 25% of all new oil & gas will be found in the Arctic.
Atlantic Tsunamis

Atlantic Ocean Tsunamis Rare events that can cause damage and threaten millions of people.
Northwest Passage

The Northwest Passage can now being used in summer and fall for commercial shipping.
Draw Plate Tectonics

Teaching Plate Tectonics with easy-to-draw illustrations. Students love to draw.
Loihi Seamount

Loihi Seamount is a submarine volcano that could become an island in the Hawaiian Chain.

What Is An Archipelago? It is a closely scattered cluster of islands. Hawaii is an archipelago.