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Earth Science Records
Learn about the highest, lowest, deepest, saltiest, largest, most powerful and more!
Highly Acidic Lake

The World*s Largest Highly Acidic Lake is in the caldera of Kawah Ijen Volcano, Indonesia.
Tallest U.S. Waterfall

The Tallest Waterfall in the U.S. is located on the Island of Molokai in Hawaii. It is 2953 feet tall.
Explosive Volcanoes

The Most Explosive Eruption is believed to have occurred at Wah Wah Springs, Utah.
Largest Volcano

Largest Volcano - That title is shared by Tamu Massif, Mauna Kea and Ojos del Salado.
World*s Tallest Waterfall

Angel Falls in Venezuela is the tallest waterfall in the world - it is 3212 feet tall.
Deepest Lake

Deepest Lake in the World Lake Baikal in southern Russia is the deepest lake in the World.
Lightning Hot Spots

World Record Lightning - This lake has more lightning than any other place in the world.
Greatest Ocean Depth

Deepest Point in the Ocean The deepest point in the ocean is in the Mariana Trench.
Artificial Islands

Largest Man-Made Islands - The Palm Islands were built in the Persian Gulf, on Dubai's coast.
Largest Earthquake

Largest Earthquake - The largest recorded earthquake: M9.5, near Valdivia, southern Chile, 1960.
Tallest Mountain

Tallest Mountain Everest has rivals in tallness, altitude and distance to the center of Earth.
Largest Diamonds

World*s Largest Diamonds Records for the largest rough, faceted and carbonado diamond.
Largest Impact Crater

The Vredefort Crater is the largest and 2nd oldest impact crater visible on Earth.
Largest Oil Spills

Largest Oil Spills Map Eleven oil spills from war, tanker wrecks and out-of-control wells.
Tallest Geyser

Steamboat Geyser produces eruptions over 300 feet high - taller than any other geyser.
Geology Tools

Geology Tools - Rock hammers, field bags, hand lenses, maps, hardness picks, gold pans.