Geology and Earth Science News and Information

General Geology
Geologic Hazards
Oil and Gas
Plate Tectonics
Satellite Images
Teacher Resources
U.S. Maps
World Maps
World Records

Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-Grown Diamonds? What are they? Can people really make diamonds? Are they real?
Rare Earth Elements
Rare Earth Elements
Rare Earths - Special materials used in electronics, defense, medical & many other products.
DeLorme Atlas
DeLorme Atlas
Topo Maps - The DeLorme Atlas is an entire state of topo maps in one convenient book.
Rhyolite An extrusive igneous rock with a high silica content, produced from granitic magma.
What is a Maar?
What is a Maar?
What is a Maar? The second most common volcanic landscape feature on Earth.
Gemstones - Colorful images and articles about diamonds and colored stones.
Chalcopyrite - The most important ore of copper for over five thousand years.
Tallest Waterfall
Tallest Waterfall
Angel Falls in Venezuela is the tallest waterfall in the world - it is 3212 feet tall.
Fire Opal
Fire Opal
Fire Opal is a transparent to translucent opal with a yellow, orange or red background color.
Rock Art
Rock Art
Rock Art - People have been marking on rocks for thousands of years.
Earthquake Maps
California Earthquake Maps
California Earthquake Maps - A collection of isoseismal maps for earthquakes in California.
Geology News
news about geology
Geology News including: Earth science, mining, gemology, maps, metals, archaeology, and more.
Grape Agate
Grape Agate
Grape Agate is a popular mineral specimen with the color and the shape of a bunch of grapes.
Fossils are remains, traces or imprints of ancient life. They reveal Earth's biological history.
Darvaza Gas Crater
Darvaza Gas Crater
The Doorway to Hell is a flaming sinkhole seeping natural gas that has been burning for decades.
San Andreas Fault
What is the San Andreas Fault?
What is the San Andreas Fault? Map, photos and description of the fault.
Quartzite is metamorphic rock formed when sandstone is subjected to heat and pressure.
E.T. Volcanoes
Solar System Volcanoes
Solar System Volcanoes - Earth is not the only location of volcanic activity.
Types Of Eruptions
Types Of Eruptions
Types of Volcanic Eruptions - A description of the most common eruption types.
Gifts That Rock
Gifts That Rock
Gifts That Rock - What are the most popular gift items in the store?
Map of the Oceans
Map of the Oceans
Map of the Oceans - showing the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern Oceans.
Google Earth - Free
Download Google Earth Free
Free Google Earth software allows you to browse seamless world satellite images. Free.
The Brewery Rock ?
The Rock Used to Make Beer - Geologists are beer experts and should know about this rock.
Uses of Talc
uses of talc
Talc is a soft mineral used in cosmetics, paper, paint, ceramics and many other products.
Ruby and Sapphire
ruby and sapphire
Ruby and Sapphire are the 2nd and 3rd most popular colored stones in the United States.
Rocks on Mars
Rocks on Mars
Rocks on Mars Many of the rocks found on Mars are not very different from Earth rocks.
Colored Diamonds
Colored Diamonds
Colored Diamonds are diamonds with a noticeable body color. They can sell for over $1M/carat.
13 Gemmy Facts About Spinel - Is spinel the world*s most overlooked gem?
Zircon is the primary ore of zirconium and a gemstone that is available in many colors.
Green River Fossils
Green River Fossils
The Green River Formation is one of the most famous rock units in the world for its fossils.
Minerals - Descriptions, photos, articles, properties and uses for common minerals.
Record Lightning
Lake Maracaibo Lightning
World Record Lightning - this lake has more lightning than any other place in the world.
Blue Flames
Blue Flames
Blue Flames and the largest highly acidic lake in the world at Kawah Ijen Volcano.
Mount Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius - geology, history, maps, facts and more about the Vesuvius eruptions.
Tourmaline - an extremely colorful mineral and gem material.
Mars Meteorites
Mars Meteorites
Mars Meteorites Mars rovers have found dozens of meteorites while exploring the red planet.
Tallest Tsunami
Tallest Tsunami
Tallest Tsunami - A wave with a run-up height of 1720 feet occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska.
Largest Hurricanes
Largest Hurricanes
Largest Hurricanes Are they determined by wind speed, value of damage, most deaths?
Mineral Hardness
Mohs Hardness Test
Mohs Hardness Scale is a set of reference minerals used for classroom hardness testing.
Sand Photo Collection
Sand from Around the World . A photo gallery showing the diversity of the material we call "sand".
Rocks - Galleries of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock photos with descriptions.
Pictures of Opal - A collection of different types of opal from all around the world and Mars too!
Gem Silica
Gem Silica
Gem Silica is a blue chalcedony colored by copper. It is the rarest and most valuable chalcedony.
Hematite on Mars
Hematite - The most important ore of iron. A source of mineral pigment since prehistory.
Great Rift Valley
Great Rift Valley
The East Africa Rift System - The extensive fault system that is tearing Africa apart.
Corundum is the third hardest mineral. It is also the mineral of ruby and sapphire.
Great Lakes
Great Lakes Map
Great Lakes : Map of the Great Lakes with surrounding states and provinces.
Birthstones are gems assigned to the month of a person*s birth. They are popular gifts in the U.S.
100+ Gemstones
colored stones
100+ Gems - Photos of over 100 beautiful gems ranging from the popular to the obscure.
Storm Surge
Storm Surge
Storm Surge can be the most damaging and deadly aspect of a hurricane.
Plate Tectonics
Teaching Tectonics
Teaching Plate Tectonics with easy-to-draw illustrations is fun and effective.
What Is Earth Science?
What Is Earth Science?
What Is Earth Science? The study of Earth and its neighbors in space. Learn more!
Cinder Cones
Cinder Cones
Cinder Cones are the smallest, simplest, and most common type of volcano.
US Diamond Mines
US Diamond Mines
US Diamond Mines - Did you know that diamonds have been mined in the United States?
Types of Maps
Types of Maps
Types of Maps - Explore some of the most popular types of maps that have been made.
What is Geology?
What is Geology?
What is Geology? The study of Earth materials, structures, processes and life over time.
Mineraloids are amorphous naturally-occurring inorganic solids that lack crystallinity.
Strawberry Quartz
Strawberry Quartz
Strawberry Quartz is a red to pink quartz with inclusions that look like strawberry seeds.
Ant Hill Garnets
Ant Hill Garnets
Ant Hill Garnets - tiny gems that ants haul to the surface and discard on their anthill. Honest!
Cinnabar - the only important ore of mercury. Used in pigments until its toxicity was realized.
Crater of Diamonds
Crater of Diamonds
Crater of Diamonds - The only diamond mine in the world where you can be the miner.
Fool*s Gold
Fool*s Gold
Fool*s Gold is a name used for pyrite when its brassy color fools people looking for gold.
Rock and Mineral Kits
Rock Kits
Rock & Mineral Kits The best way to learn about rocks and minerals is with specimens!
Crystal Habit
Crystal Habit
Crystal Habit is the external shape displayed by a crystal or an aggregate of crystals.
Labradorite is a feldspar mineral that sometimes exhibits an iridescent play-of-color.
Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood is a fossil that forms when silica replaces and infills the cavities of wood.
Wall Maps
Wall Maps
Wall Maps - Wall maps of the world, continents, states and the USA.
What is a Geyser?
What is a Geyser?
What is a Geyser? Photos and information about geysers in many parts of the world.
June 6th 1912
Novarupta - The most powerful volcanic eruption of the 20th century occurred in the U.S.A.
Lightning Strikes Map
Lightning Strikes Map
Lightning Strikes Map by NASA shows the worldwide distribution of lightning activity.
Bear Map
Bear Map
Range of Bear Species - Where you might encounter different types of bears.
Hurricane Names
Hurricane Names
How Are Hurricanes Named? There is a plan for naming tropical storms.
Ethiopian Opal
Ethiopian opal
Ethiopian Opal - The new opal heavyweight that might give Australia a run.
Shale - The rock that has quickly transformed the oil and gas industry.
Soapstone is a metamorphic rock with properties that make it suitable for a variety of projects.
Diamonds from Coal
Diamond Misconception - Many people think that diamonds form from coal. Not True!
What Is The Moho?
What Is The Moho?
What Is The Moho? The Mohorovicic Discontinuity is the mantle/crust boundary.
Obsidian - the volcanic rock that cools so quickly that it becomes a natural glass.
Rock Tumblers
Rock Tumblers
Rock Tumblers - All about rock tumblers and rock tumbling. Read before you buy a tumbler.
Greatest Ocean Depth
Deepest Point in the Ocean
Deepest Point in the Ocean The deepest point in the ocean is in the Mariana Trench.
Diamonds - Learn about the properties of diamond, its many uses, and diamond discoveries.
Gems from Space
Gems from Space
Extraterrestrial Gems - A number of materials from space are used as attractive gems.
Geodes look like ordinary rocks on the outside but can be spectacular inside!
Hardness Picks
hardness picks
Hardness Picks - Test for hardness with precise and easy-to-use hardness picks.
Emerald is the most popular green gemstone in the United States and most of the world.
Gold Pans
Gold Pans
Gold Pans and Panning Kits - classifiers, snuffer bottles. Learn how to pan for Gold.
Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics - Articles and maps about plate tectonics and the interior of Earth.
Geology Books
Geology Books
Geology Books - A variety of books for reference, field trips, reading and more.
Watch out for Ticks!
Ticks are a problem for geologists in some areas. Learn to recognize and avoid them.
The British Isles
British Isles
Names Used for Great Britain, British Isles, United Kingdom, and Ireland. What they mean.
Uses of Gold
Uses of Gold
The Many Uses of Gold - Unique properties make gold one of the most useful metals.
Turquoise - A bluish-green gem material that has been used for over 6000 years.
Herkimer Diamonds
Herkimer Diamonds
Herkimer Diamonds Doubly-terminated quartz crystals used as specimens and gems.
Granite - The intrusive igneous rock that underlies continents and countertops.
Bear Attacks
Bear Attacks
Bear Attacks - Knowing how to react to a bear encounter or attack could save your life.
Olivine - Abundant in Earth*s mantle. A constituent of meteorites. The gem peridot.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli - a metamorphic rock and the most popular blue opaque gemstone in history.
Sliding Rocks
Sliding Rocks
Sliding Rocks Mystery - What causes these rocks to slide across a playa in Death Valley?
Mineral Luster
What Is Luster? Luster is the light-reflecting characteristics of a mineral specimen.
Fluorescent Minerals
Fluorescent Minerals
Fluorescent Minerals and rocks glow with spectacular colors under ultraviolet light.
Tanzanite was unknown until a few decades ago but it has erupted into wide popularity.
Volcanoes - Articles about volcanoes, volcanic hazards and eruptions past and present.
Canadian Diamonds
Canadian Diamonds
Canadian Diamond Mines produce some of the largest and highest quality diamonds!
American Gemstones
U.S. Gemstones
Mined in America - Small mines in the United States produce a diversity of beautiful gemstones.
Largest Earthquake
Largest Earthquake
Largest Earthquake ever recorded - Magnitude 9.5. Chile, 1960.
Hawaiian Hot Spot
Hawaiian Hot Spot
How did the Hawaiian Islands Form? The power of a moving plate over a stationary hot spot.
Largest Diamonds
world's largest diamonds
World*s Largest Diamonds Records for the largest rough, faceted and carbonado diamond.
The Acid Test
The Acid Test
The Acid Test - Geologists use dilute hydrochloric acid to identify carbonate minerals.
Don*t Go To Jail
Don't Go To Jail
Know the Rules before removing rocks, fossils or minerals from public or private property.
Andalusite is a metamorphic mineral and a strongly pleochroic gem material.
Coal Close Up
Coal Through a Microscope
Coal Through a Microscope - Coal is more than a black rock. It is THE most interesting rock.
Tallest Mountain
Tallest Mountain
Tallest Mountain - Everest has rivals in tallness, altitude and distance to the center of Earth.
Meteorites - Rocks that were once parts of planets or large asteroids.
Rhodochrosite - a manganese mineral used as an ore, a pink gem and an ornamental stone.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources - K-12 resources for teaching about earth science.
Field Courses
Field Camps
Field Courses - Over 80 field courses for undergraduate geology students.
Largest Volcanoes
Largest Volcanoes
Largest Volcano - That title is shared by Tamu Massif, Mauna Kea and Ojos del Salado.
Chalk is a variety of limestone formed from fine-grained marine sediment known as ooze.
Underwater Volcano
Lo'ihi Seamount
Hawaii*s Next Island could be growing in the Pacific Ocean right now. Its name is Lo*ihi.
Geology Tools
Geology Tools
Geology Tools - Rock hammers, field bags, hand lenses, maps, hardness picks, gold pans.
Ilmenite - The primary ore of titanium and source of most titanium dioxide.
Cave of the Hands
Cave of the Hands
Cave of the Hands is a cave where ancient people painted hands about 9000 years ago.
Rock Salt
Rock Salt
Rock Salt is a sedimentary rock composed of the mineral halite. It has many uses!